4kq parking lights now relayed!

Brady Moffatt bradym at sympatico.ca
Wed Jul 24 00:01:35 EDT 2002

Hi All,

On Sunday afternoon, I finally got around to relaying the parking lights on
my 86 4kq.

One thing I noticed, aside from the expected melted headlight switch, was
the more melted plug for the switch. The affected pin is number 30 (power).
I don't think I could have plugged the switch back into it. Luckily I had a
spare plug and switch in much better shape.

This is a warning to all that the switch is not the only piece that suffers
from having too much juice going through it. And the plug is a pain to swap
if you don't want to cut and splice the wires. It took a lot of fiddling
with tiny screwdrivers to pry out the pins for each wire on the good plug.

It may be my imagination, but I think the switch is already a bit cooler
than before!

Headlights next week.

Thanks to Tom Love (I think!) for the diagram and pic. It made the job

Brady Moffatt
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
86 4ksq, 290,000km
86 4ksq, 208,000km parts car
72 Datsun 240Z, 180,000 miles
In early stages of quattrosis accumulatus

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