Fixed My Cruise Control!

Ralph RalphMachorro at
Thu Jul 25 18:31:47 EDT 2002

Accckkk!! I did save the wrapper, but like a doofus I can't find it now. The
parts guy was able to pull it up quite easily on his end just by me telling
him what it was.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kneale Brownson" <knotnook at>
To: "Ralph" <RalphMachorro at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: Fixed My Cruise Control!

> So, Ralph, did you pridefully preserve the VW part number for this clip?
> At 07:50 AM 07/25/2002 -0400, Ralph wrote:
> >This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> >--
> >[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> >I fixed my cruise control and it cost me a whopping $3.08 including tax.
> >Here is what was wrong. If you look at this diagram
> >
> >you will see there is a rod attached to the vacuum actuator (4). On the
> >right side of the rod is a little round ball that holds the rod onto the
> >throttle.
> >What they don't show you in the diagram, is the little bushing that holds
> >the other end of the rod onto the clip on the vacuum actuator so that
> >the vacuum pump enggages it holds the throttle open. Well, on my 100Q
> >little do-dad was broken. Went to my local VW dealer (the nearest Audi
> >dealer is 40 miles away) and ordered the clip. Put it on two days later
> >and we be crusin'. I was so damn proud that a complete ignoramus like
> >myself was able to do this for only $3.08, thanks to a suggestion from
> >this list! Thanks to all of you who contacted me with suggestions when I
> >first posted this a couple of weeks ago.
> >
> >Ralph
> >--

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