I-5 metal head gaskets, bolts, + hardened coolant gunk???

Jim Green jeg1976 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 25 22:05:22 EDT 2002

--- Michael Gough <mdg3369 at mac.com> wrote:
> > $160 at the dealer, so I'd love to save the cash
> for other stuff. How much
> > is the standard one ballpark?
> I just got a new one for a buck on Ebay =)

Sometimes I wonder how you do it.  Do they have any

> > What's that about not re-using the stock head
> > bolts?
> Bentley says it's ok for the Rabbits and the
> Quantums. I don't have any
> other manuals to check....
> > They look pretty beefy to me, I was thinking of
> reusing 'em cuz I
> > thought the only bolts that have to be replaced
> are con-rod bolts.
> Looking at the Rabbit diesel Bentley, I find that
> the con-rod bolts on my
> new MC motor are non stretch, so I don't have to
> replace them. You would be
> wise to check to make sure you have the stretch
> ones.
> > Should
> > the head bolts be replaced w/ new ones, or is
> there a better alternative?
> > How critical is this?
> I'm probably going to replace the head bolts, only
> because I'm going to be
> running close to 20 PSI of boost. If I was
> rebuilding a stock motor I
> probably wouldn't bother.

Exactly what you should do, if your car is stock, by
all means, re-use them ONCE if you really can't spend
the $60 (~the going rate for 1 hr. of labor) to get
new ones.  Do you really feel like pulling that head
off again?

Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI, Haltech IG5

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