ALLROAD (2.7t) OWNERS, I have questions...

R. Mair waves at
Fri Jul 26 22:20:10 EDT 2002

AoA is getting -very- nasty about chipped engines.
> One gent was told by a certain north-eastern mass. Audi dealer, after
> the oil bled out of his A6 2.7tt's 6-speed tranny(during a
> cross-country trip, right after he bought it), to never come back to
> them for service again(they found a K&N filter and a chip.  The
> tranny was fixed, but they told him to get lost.)  Do you think a 911
> twin turbo owner gets that kind of BS from the Porsche side of the
> same dealership?  Somehow I don't think so.  Half of me thinks the
> reason Audi and Porsche are trying so hard to get their dealerships
> to split is because they don't want all the Audi owners(riff raff) to
> see all the shoe-licking that goes on in the Porsche side.  Buy a
> Porsche, get treated like a king; buy a Audi, you're a diseased
> peasant- this has been a problem at Audi for years.  The image is
> changing thanks to corporate policies regarding dealership buildings
> which look all nice and shiny, but I suspect it will be a while
> before owner treatment improves.  It will never match the treatment
> given to Lexus owners, for example.

Yeah, I hear Porsche is requiring seperate buildings for their vehicles, if
the same dealer sells Audi. Seems that the mix between the two makes puts a
blemish on Porsches otherwise decent customer relation. This fact is the
only reason I'm hesitating to buy an Audi. Sigh.... great car, and such
lousy PR.

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