4kq window reg swap

qshipaz at juno.com qshipaz at juno.com
Tue Jul 30 01:19:45 EDT 2002

Finally, a subject in which I have experience! Disclaimer: The last Fox I s=
aw on the road was the one my family traded in on a new '82 K-Car (dumb!). =
Can't speak for those, but I can authoritatively state that '80 4000 4-door=
 crank window regs fit right in an '86 CGT. Did it yesterday.

Sorry, John, if that sounds flip, but the Fox is likely different than any =
4k. However, if you run across any early 4k, it will likely be interchangea=
ble. Same hardware, mounting points, no cutting or drilling. We got ours ou=
t of a lovely (sarcasm) 1.6 litre harvest gold 4000, $9 apiece at the pull-=
your-part. Beats $170+ for PW regs, eh?

This is my roommate's car, the Junkyard Dog. It gets lighter almost every d=

'86 5ktq (the Hangar Queen)
'86 CGT (the Junkyard Dog)

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