Fuel pump removal tool 3214

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Mon Jul 29 21:38:27 EDT 2002

Hi Craig;

The tool is the only way to grab the newer style pump basket and turn it
out. Sometimes you can turn it by hand, sometimes you can't. I couldn't on
my '91 200q, although I tried all sorts of makeshift bars and levers. I
ended up taking it to the dealer - cost $30 to get it changed.

Good luck!

Fred Munro
'94 S4

-----Original Message-----
From:	Craig D. Niederst [SMTP:niederst at pghmail.com]
Sent:	Monday, July 29, 2002 5:13 PM
To:	Quattro List; *12V List
Subject:	Fuel pump removal tool 3214

The fuel pump on my '92 100S died last Friday, and I have already ordered a
new Bosch pump, filter, etc. for replacement. Bentley describes the
procedure pretty well for removal and replacement, and mentions special
3214 is required for the pump's removal. I searched the archives, and it
appears that about 50% of those replacing the pump needed the tool. Any
opinions if the tool is really needed or not? If the tool is required, does
anyone have one I can borrow (I'm in the Pittsburgh area), or know a good
source to buy from ($53 + shipping from Blau is ridiculous)? I already
checked with my mechanic, and he does not have the tool. TIA.

'92 100S (99k)
'86 CGT (214k)

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