'85 4kq no start, no fuel to injectors.

Ben Swann bswann at worldnet.att.net
Tue Jul 30 16:50:42 EDT 2002

Patient is '85 4000 Quattro with CIS-E.

Car was driven to me.  PO had needed to jump start the car to get it
running and seemed to be running fine when I received the car.  I have not
been able to get the car started since, except for some short startup then

After major cleanup of engine bay, wiring, ground points, etc. the engine
now cranks longer than before.  It still doesn't start, except only briefly
which I attribute to cold start injector fuel.  I have confirmed that
theory by being able to start the car with ether.

I am sure I am getting fuel to the distributor, as I hear the pump running,
and can jumper it and hear fuel flowing.  I had confirmed spark earlier.  I
have replaced the air filter and cleaned up the airflow assembly and
throttle body - they were abysmal!  All clean now.

So I pulled injectors 1 & 2.  Lifting the air sensor plate even through its
total range does not cause injectors to spray at all, not a drop.

What are the likely culprits?


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