type 44 battery location was( Fuse Amperage??? for a fuse beween the battery and the car)

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Jul 30 17:36:06 EDT 2002

At 06:26 PM 07/30/2002 +0100, rob hod wrote:

>     Hi Kneale, all
>     I know this risks looking picky, but so as not to start a misconception,
>I have to say not all type 44's have the battery under the seat. I think it
>may just be the turbo models.
>     Certainly my '89 100 NA Avant has it under the rear of the bonnet on the
>opposite side to the fuse/relay box.
>     Cheers,

Everything's backwards from the British Point Of View, isn't it?  So is
this '89 100 not equipped with A/C evaporator box?  That's what occupied
the spot you describe on my 5ktq, 200q20v and V8.

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