type 44 battery location

rob hod rob3 at hod3.fsnet.co.uk
Wed Jul 31 19:28:11 EDT 2002

    Graham is spot on his description of my car (at last a believer, I was
beginning to doubt my sanity). Its no special short run model, there were
thousands of 'em made and a lot of them are still trundling around. Its no
big deal to me, but its simply not right to say that all type 44 have the
battery under the back seat just because you've never seen anything else. At
this stage the theory seems to be that it's on non turbo, non AC (maybe even
RHD only) cars that Audi were able to save some precious pennies on long
beefy cables.

I remember getting involved in another debate some time back over the
existence of the turbo diesel type 44. They're around but some people
declared they never existed just 'cos they'd never seen one.

IMHO this list is for spreading knowledge about our cars, and heaven knows I
benefit from that ethic, so thats why I piped up on this issue, no other

    Thats all folks.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Graham Thackrah" <gthack at geog.ucl.ac.uk>
To: <cobram at juno.com>
Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>; "rob hod" <rob3 at hod3.fsnet.co.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 12:27 PM
Subject: type 44 battery location

> Hi,
> > Every type 44 I've ever seen, even the Euro versions, had the battery
> > under the back seat.  Maybe the right hand drive did come standard with
> > this battery mounting, but if I recall previous threads, a very small
> > number of right hand drive type 44 wagons were made, maybe even less
> > units than the Sport Quattro.
> You aint seen Rob's then, as he said, it's a rhd '89 2wd type 44 avant
> auto with no AC (facelifted, with new dash, not the older 5k type, which
> in the UK was always called an Audi 100 anyway). The battery is under the
> scuttle cover (which has an OE cut out in it for access to the battery)
> just in front of the windscreen where all the AC gubbins is on cars with
> it fitted. It's the nearside (left side of car from drivers perspective,
> right hand side looking face on to the front of the car). That all correct
> Rob?
> There were *loads* of type 44 wagons made and imported to the UK, but in
> the UK, in 1989, if you wanted a 200 tqw you got a 100 tqw with an MC2
> engine in it (and maybe some leather and AC, I'm not sure about that bit),
> the only 100 avants with rhd and that engine IIRC. There were 7 brought
> in, that is more than the Sport Quattro, I think they originally imported
> 6 of those to the UK;) There are 70 odd 100 tq saloons of 1989 vintage
> with the MC2 engine in them. Information originally supplied by Phil P. At
> Phils last count (last December) they were all still running too:)
> http://www.audifans.com/pipermail/quattro/20011203/040655.html
> Cheerio,
> Graham.

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