load reduction relay X-track '84 CGT

Comcast shoemakersp at comcast.net
Wed Jul 31 23:37:32 EDT 2002

  Hopefully my wiring nightmare is drawing to a close.  I hope to continue
troubleshooting again tomorrow, but I have a question that someone may know
the answer to.
  I posted before that I was having problems with the turn signals, back-up
lights, horn, instruments, etc.  These are all components that are on the X
track and run through the load reduction relay.  The fuel pump relay is on
this track as well and was not working when I purchased the car.  There was
a "cheater wire" running from under the driver-side dash to the fuel pump to
make it work.  That wire was plugged into a switched 12V terminal that comes
on with the ignition.  This terminal is in an "empty" relay socket(this
should sound peculiar).  Well as previous replies suggested(thank you) I
cleaned many wires and grounds and I also at some point replaced the fuel
pump relay.  Well, now I am at a condition where I no longer need the
"cheater wire" to run, but none of the other components have joined the
party.  So this says to me that the load red. relay must be working, because
the fuel pump works.
  I am very interested in that "empty" relay socket that had the cheater
wire hooked into it.  I am wondering if there is supposed to be a relay of
some sort there??  Should be easy enough to figure out and if that is the
case I have a fairly reasonable scenario on how that could have come to
pass.  My theory is(assuming there is a missing relay) that originally the
fuel pump relay quit.  The master technician that was working on the car
(detect sarcasm here) figured out that that was a source for a 12V ignition
switched lead and was interested only in getting the thing to run, so that
is where he stuck the "cheater wire."
  My question to the list is if anyone knows of a relay that resides under
the dash and is south of the load red. relay, but parallel with the fuel
pump relay, that I may be lacking.  Please help save this diamond in the
rough and return it to its pre-ghetto splendor.
-Sean Shoemaker
'84 Coupe GT WE 5spd(very temporary #9)

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