questions about high compression 4kq's with NG/NF/Hybrid and CISE

Nate Stuart newt at
Sat Jun 1 10:46:20 EDT 2002

I agree wholeheartedly with Javad's previous post. Last weekend I finished
up  putting my old NG engine into Carey's 4kq. Went in without too much
trouble. I used the 90 CIS system, with the 4kq DPR, and 4kq feed/return
lines to the CIS head. As well as the 4kq dizzy. Oh, and also used the 4kq
downpipe and manifold. The installation looks great and adds a decent
amount of spunk to the car. It pulls much further and smoother into the
rev band now. The timing I can set a bit more advanced, I have it set
pretty conservatively right now just to be safe. Prolly tomorrow I'll bump
it up as high as I can go w/o pinging. All in all I felt it was a great
worthwhile swap. And a fairly easy one to do to give your 4kq/CGT a little
extra oomph. Especially if your engine is starting to make ghastly noises
like hers was ;).
Take care,
-Nate (can't leave an engine in it's rightful place, ever...)
'89 90tq

> <<For those of you running a high compression 5 cylinder in your CISE
> 4kq, I have a few questions.  What are you doing for fuel mixture and
> timing settings? >>
> IME, set the CO to about 8mA or so, pretty much same as stock, set
> initial timing (with the vacuum sensor) between 6-10 degrees BTDC.
> Frankly, its a great fit, no knock sensor needed.
> << Did you bias the mixture a little richer?  How much spark advance>>
> No real need to set the mixture richer, just reset the initial CO,
> everything will be fine.  See above for advance, basically as much as
> you can get without pinging.
>> <<can you run before it knocks?>>
> No knocking problems, even on crappy CA gas.  Of coure, you'll want to
> run premium.
> <<  W7DTC, WR7DS, or something else? >>
> Stock is fine, whatever it is.
> <<Do you > still have the vacuum advance hooked up? >>
> Absolutely
> << Did you encounter any problems at > all getting it to run on CISE
> without a
>> knock sensor?>>
> Nope, the CIS can easily handle the extra power, and as far as knock
> sensors, they are saftey devices, not tuning devices, if the car is
> tuned properly, there won't ever be a need for it.
> Javad

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