Ti Kan
ti at
Mon Jun 3 11:53:44 EDT 2002
David.Ullrich at writes:
> Anybody know how many hours the labor book calls for to R&R the AC expansio=
> n valve on a 1987 Coupe GT? What about how long it would REALLY take a comp=
> etent mechanic with access to proper info and materials? My mechanic is say=
> ing he had to pull off the white air box under the hood and then drop the e=
> vaporator from there to gain access and that is was a LONG huge PITA to do.=
> Frankly, I don't trust him at this point. After he finally finishes fixing=
> my AC, my car will NEVER see his shop again. But at this point I just want=
> to make sure I don't get ripped off on the labor for the expansion valve R=
> &R.
Don't know how much a shop labor book says, but you don't need to remove
the intake plenum to R&R the A/C expansion valve on the type 81/85 cars.
You *do* have to remove the glove box and lower A/C drain tray, which
I suggest that you do yourself to save $$. Also this will help prevent
the shop monkey lads from scratching/breaking the dash pieces you removed.
Access to the expansion valve is still very tight from below and it's
a real PITA to do, but a competent A/C shop should be able to do it.
The A/C expansion valve is located next to the evaporator near the center
console, with capillary tubes coated with tar and wrapped in plastic
that runs around the firewall side of the evaporator.
2003 A4 1.8T multitronic (soon)
2001 S4 2.7T
1984 5000S turbo
1980 4000 2.0
/// Ti Kan Vorsprung durch Technik
/// AMB Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
/// ti at
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