Racking' my brain - advice requested, please.

David.Ullrich at ferguson.com David.Ullrich at ferguson.com
Tue Jun 4 15:54:26 EDT 2002

You have a Type 85. Coupe GTs 1985-1987.5 are Type 85s. For a good general  info on your Coupe GT check out http://forums.audiworld.com/4000/msgs/3571.phtml For GREAT DETAILED info check out Huw's Audi Garage (a fellow listers page): http://www.humanspeakers.com/audi/index.html Not really sure what the breakdown for other cars is.


Too Many Toys:
1987.5 Audi Coupe GT "Special Build" 2.3 - Anthracite Black
1998 VW Passat GLS 1.8T - For Sale CHEAP
1985 Chevy Impala SS
2002 VW Jetta GLS 1.8T Tiptronic
1993 RX-7 R1

-----Original Message-----
From: Nate Beck [mailto:Nate.Beck at netiq.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 2:46 PM
Cc: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: RE: Racking' my brain - advice requested, please.

Forgive me for being fairly new to the list and owning an audi...  How do
you know what type of car you have?  I keep seeing people talk about a type
85 or type 44 and such.


Nate Beck

85 Coupe GT

-----Original Message-----
From: Ti Kan [mailto:ti at amb.org]
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 11:33 AM
To: David.Ullrich at ferguson.com
Cc: bswann at worldnet.att.net; fiatlancia at earthlink.ne; quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Re: Racking' my brain - advice requested, please.

David.Ullrich at ferguson.com writes:
> Are leaking racks a 5k only issue or do I have this to look forward to
with my Type 85? So far, no signs of leaking...knock on wood...

The leaky racks do seem to be only prevalent on type 44 cars.  BTW I have
a Jorgen rack on my '84 5kt and it's been about 3 years now and (knock
on metal) no leaks at all.

2003 A4 1.8T multitronic (soon)
2001 S4 2.7T
1984 5000S turbo
1980 4000 2.0
    ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch Technik
   ///   AMB Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
  ///    ti at amb.org
 //////  http://www.amb.org/ti/

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