88 80 Q Evaporator $?

Brayton, Cory cbrayton at bcm.tmc.edu
Wed Jun 5 14:42:55 EDT 2002

Sorry to bother you about this -- I just did a google search for Audi
Connection & could not find the site

sniffers & dye indicate I need a new evaporator (coil) -- they quote $860
for the part -- can I do better than that?

No refurbished please -- for $400+/labor

with some other doodads they say it needs when you do this -- total ~$1800!!
(BTW I'm DVM not MD)

if I did not live in TX & had not already invested more than the Insurance
or BB value of the car in the AC system over last 3 yrs I would not consider

The car has only 82 K & I've always had & maintained it

Thanks very much

Cory B
88 80Q
Houston TX

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