quattro digest, Vol 1 #3495 - 16 msgs Jorgen Racks

Joshua Van Tol josh at spiny.com
Wed Jun 5 22:03:51 EDT 2002

>Sorry not to get the reply out sooner, been WAY busy.
>For the record, I've had my Jorgen rack for about 1 yr, no complaints. Most=
>  of my (CURRENT) leaks are from the return line to the reservior, nothing s=
>o far from the rack. As I only need to top up once every other month or so,=
>  I've decided NOT to add any additional pressure to the system, so I'm not =
>replacing the return line anytime soon (and cause something else to blow up=
>LL - NY

Replacing the return line will affect the pressure not one bit. The
only way it could is if it had a MASSIVE leak. For that matter, I
think this "raising the pressure on the rest of the system" theory
that so many folks on the list subscribe to is a bunch of hooey. It's
just that all those parts are the same age, of approximately the same
quality, and tend to fail at about the same time.

Mind you, it does seem like the old parts get lonely when you replace
their compatriots, and die soon after. :-)

Joshua Van Tol -- josh at spiny.com

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