Anyone know the acceptable circular run out for 16" Tires

Patrick Martin mardkins at
Wed Jun 5 22:40:34 EDT 2002

There is an acceptable runout in tires.  There is no such thing as a
perfectly round tire.  Look at any tire on a balancer and you will see some

That is not to say that the imperfections should be felt in the car.  They
should not.  I would suspect a simple out of balance situation that may not
be resolved by this tire dealer.  The fact is that if their tire balancer is
out of calibration than they can balance it 20 times and never get it right.
BTDT and been on the wrong side of this equation as well.  I have been able
to get them balanced even with a bad balancer but it is EXTREMELY tough.

Pat Martin
86 4kcsq turbo, 2 1/2 cat back, H&R-Boge, MC and loving it.  Drilled and
stopping it. Koenig Cobra 16x7 with AVS Intermediates turning it,  K&N and
98 A6q Avant
87 5kt stick
A couple others

> Grant-
> Nothing like what you describe is acceptable- out of round tires are
> defective, pure and simple. The dealer is trying to make you keep these
> defective tires.
> The whole thing sounds a bit fishy about the "wrong size" and all. I'd
> insist on full replacement and if they won't comply, complain to the
> manufacturer of the tires, the regional/national office of the dealer
> (if
> it's a chain), the BBB, etc. They usually will make things right if you
> complain enough. Sorry to hear about that.
> Taka

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