Olive oil in the fuel tank . . .

Mike Arman armanmik at n-jcenter.com
Thu Jun 6 08:49:31 EDT 2002

>From: "Pantelis Giamarellos" <pantg at otenet.gr>

>Subject: Problem with hot starting on RS2
>Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 10:28:55 -0700

>Fellow audifans and RS2 listers,
>I have a hot starting problem with my RS2.
>It started about two months ago when I filled up the fuel tank using a 20 l=
>itres can that was once used for olive oil and unfortunately it had lots of=
> sludge in it. A fact that was discovered after lots of it (the sludge) had=
> been siphoned(transfered) into the RS2's fuel tank.
>I had to drive 500 Km with the dirty fuel and upon my return I had the fuel=
> tank emptied as much as possible (removing the fuel tank from a quattro re=
>quires the disassembly of half the car as most of you already know) and the=
> fuel filter replaced.
>Unfortunately it seems though that there still is sludge in the tank and I =
>still have problems with the car misbehaving ("coughing" on acceleration) a=
>nd mainly, with it being the serious problem

I would approach this problem of fuel system contamination this way -

What dissolves olive oil but will not otherwise harm the engine in any way?

I'm wondering if one of the alcohol-based de-watering additives might clean
the system out without taking it all apart, and not harm the engine or fuel
system while it works?

Can you get Techron there?

I'd drive gently while this stuff is working, and don't try to enjoy all
360 hp until you know the system is clean and is running properly on
straight gasoline again.

No idea about the hot starting problem, but it could be related to goo in
the injectors.

(I cannot imagine what 360 hp would be like in my Audi - I have all of 108
hp in mine - on a good day, and with no vacuum leaks. Heck, I have only 100
hp in my airplane!)

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

, having a hot starting problem=
> which requires around 90 minutes of cooling down time before it restarts.
>Removing the dipstick and the engine oil filling cover, unscrewing the expa=
>nsion tank's (water cooling system) cover and opening the fuel tank's cover=
> helps with the situation (should I believe that this restores the equilibr=
>ium in-between the fuel supply system between the engine and the fuel tank/=
>fuel pump/fuel filter and therefore assists into the unblocking/liberating =
>of the fuel filter from sludge particles?)
>I am planning on visiting my mechanic for a second fuel tank flashing and f=
>uel filter change but your suggestions would be of great value.
>Thank you in advance for your kind input and suggestions.
>Take care
>Pantelis Giamarellos
>1995 model year RS2 360 bhp by MTM

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