Killing mold/Mildew? (was AC Unusual smell)

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Thu Jun 6 14:39:53 EDT 2002

I'd do a Google search of on the odor topic.  I recall a
discussion that was a couple summers ago, I think, about mold/mildew in the
HVAC of 4K/CGT type systems.  If my old memory's correct, there was some
anecdotal evidence of BAD BAD health problems (remember Legionaire's
Disease) associated with mildew in car HVAC airways.  I SEEM to remember a
series of proper steps to follow.

At 01:19 PM 06/06/2002 -0400, David.Ullrich at wrote:

>I talked to my mechanic. he says that R134a really doesn't have an odor
>and that ester oil doesn't small bad either. His thought is that there
>likely was LOTS of mold/mildew dried in the vents or evaporator and that
>now it has gotten rewetted and is giving off the odor. So, he said that I
>should hit it with LOTS of Lysol. Is that really the best method of
>killing the mold/mildew and making that god awful smell go away? Thoughts?
>Too Many Toys:
>1987.5 Audi Coupe GT "Special Build" 2.3 - Anthracite Black
>1998 VW Passat GLS 1.8T - For Sale CHEAP
>1985 Chevy Impala SS
>2002 VW Jetta GLS 1.8T Tiptronic
>1993 RX-7 R1
>-----Original Message-----
>From: David Ullrich - 0018 HQ
>Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 8:53 AM
>To: quattro at
>Subject: AC Unusual smell
>I just sent this under the title "What stinks" but the SPAM filer at my
>office thinks that it's spam and auto-deleted the text. If you could reply
>to this one, it would be appreciated. Hopefully it won't delete this one...
>Got the CGT back from having a new AC Expansion valve installed. The AC is
>now cooling GREAT,  considering it's been converted to R134a. Center vent
>temps are between 40-45 on a high blow with outside temps in the upper 80s
>with high humidity! :) But, I've got a new problem. Something STINKS like
>crazy now. The car reeks of some chemical smell that sort of smells like
>natural gas. Sort of. I'm thinking that something is leaking. Can anybody
>provide any incite? What does R134a smell like? What about the ester oil
>that is now in the system? Wonder if the new valve is leaking? Or what
>else could it be?
>Something is ROTTEN in the state of Denmark!
>Too Many Toys:
>1987.5 Audi Coupe GT "Special Build" 2.3 - Anthracite Black
>1998 VW Passat GLS 1.8T - For Sale CHEAP
>1985 Chevy Impala SS
>2002 VW Jetta GLS 1.8T Tiptronic
>1993 RX-7 R1

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