dissolving olive oil in your tank

Pantelis Giamarellos pantg at otenet.gr
Fri Jun 7 11:12:50 EDT 2002

May I suggest throwing in a whole olive inside the tank secure in a nice
small net so that it does not block the pump????


P.S. Being back on the subject line and technical question. Removing the
fuel tank is OUT of the question since it requires removing the rear diff
and axle.
I will try emptying the tank and removing any traces of sludge and particles
either by vacuum or whiping by hand and towel.

----- Original Message -----
From: Bernard Littau <bernardl at acumenassociates.com>
To: <human747 at attbi.com>; Roger M. Woodbury <rmwoodbury at downeast.net>
Cc: <Quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: dissolving olive oil in your tank

> > > The absolutely best way to dissolve olive oil in the fuel
> > system, is to add
> > > about a quart of gin, then drive the car over a very rough road at
> > > speed. This must be done on a very dry day, by the way.
> >
> > Now, should there be a twist of lime involved here somewhere, too?
> >
> Now we're getting somewhere.  I like the edge of the fuel tank access port
> rubbed with the line twist before you throw it in, too :-)
> Bernard

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