That smell

Pantelis Giamarellos pantg at
Fri Jun 7 21:10:24 EDT 2002

Doyt Hi,

Another nice smelling thing to springle in your car is vanilla.
Here in Greece you can either find it in dust or liquid form but in any way
it just smells so nice (provided you like it of course)

Another trick we use in Greece is nailing cloves around an orange. It takes
a lot of time to fully cover an orange but the result lets out such a nice
smell (both the cloves and the aromatic oils of the orange)

Take care
Pantelis Giamarellos

----- Original Message -----
From: Doyt W. Echelberger <Doyt at>
To: <cobram at>
Cc: <quattro at>
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: That smell

> I just feel that it is necessary to thank you for that suggestion. One of
> the most useful posts I can remember....mainly because I LIKE the smell of
> coffee, and never connected it with making my car smell better. I think
> I'll just sprinkle some around the living room, also.
> Doyt Echelberger
>  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> At 12:31 PM 6/7/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> ><David.Ullrich at> writes:
> >
> > > smell. Guess what I found under the passenger seat? A DEAD MOUSE!!!
> > > Ewww!!! Anyway, With the mouse gone, the smell is slowly going away.
> > > I wonder how long it will take to completely go away?
> >
> >Coffee or coffee grounds.  A paper bag with some good strong expresso
> >ground under the seat will keep the "scent" at bay until nature takes
> >it's course.  If it's under the seat, you can just sprinkle it on the
> >carpet.  LOTS better than those commercial car fresheners that'll make it
> >smell like a cheap bordello in there.
> >
> >BCNU,
> >
> >
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