[urq] RS2 vs. k24-young punk weighs in

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Wed Jun 12 14:55:27 EDT 2002

Jon, I'd take btdt over theory anyday.  That said, I've got the RS2 sitting
in my CIS wagon, and it works with minimal lag.  I've got the k24 in the WX
urq, and it works with minimal lag.  What most would expect to see (including
me) is the k24 taking my wagon off the line (especially since these are 10vt
applications).  That just doesn't happen.

What the MAPS indicate is that a turbo can have more inertial mass, and still
give the same "output".  The RS2 *can* be slower, and still provide the
power.  AND since it has more inertial mass, the RS2 turbo in chassis
APPLICATION will be much more sensitive to how those applications (and their
mass) affect spoolup of the turbocharger unit.

The k24 unit on the other hand, heat soaks quickly.  Once it does, it's
"edge" (quick spoolup, great output) becomes compromised in a HUGE way.  And
that heat soak will overwhelm the IC, the turbo outlet temps, and many times,
the cooling systems of the cars themselves.  BTDT.

Bob Dupree and I have both driven the Group A S2 rally car from MTM many
times.  We know the engine is the same (ADU).  We know the turbo is RS2k26
based.  And we know that the difference between coast/vacuum and WOT/FULL
boost is nothing short of phenom.   Which leads me to believe that the
benefits of the RS2 turbocharger are really high.  And many of us with them,
haven't found the right combination of ancillaries yet.  Or maybe just can't
afford them (that flywheel/clutch assbly is really light).


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