[torsen] RE: RS2 turbocharger
David Eaton
deaton at tranzrail.co.nz
Thu Jun 13 12:44:20 EDT 2002
excellent summary robert and i agree totally. i love the top-end of the
rs2, and the way that it goes all the way to 7k rpm, which is a point that i
rarely, if ever, take the k24. and i agree with you that the rs2 doesn't
start "cooking" until over 3k rpms.
btw, i have used 6th gear times simply for the sake of comparison, as the
original question was to do with the lag of the rs2. 14 seconds to go from
20-40mph in an rs2 is something you will only do once. however, even when
in the 2k range, the rs2 is not optimal and doesn't give anything like the
throttle response of a k24 unit.
my original point is that people who go the rs2 route, as you have, should
not expect that it will behave like the k24 at low engine speeds - because
it won't.
i also think that it is worth pointing out that i don't believe the torque
charts that i obtained and circulated represent every-day reality. these
came from the owners manuals for my cars. i would make a distinction as to
how the torque figures are derived. i believe that the numbers are obtained
while running the turbo "down", rather than up. when you run the turbo "up"
you are taking spool-up time/latency, as you suggest, into account. taking
spool-up time into account, there is no way, ime, that the k24 peaks at
1950rpm, for example, and no way that the rs2 performs better than the k24
at 2300rpm as the charts suggest.
'95 rs2
'90 ur-q
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Pastore [mailto:rpastore at animalfeeds.com]
Sent: Thursday, 13 June 2002 2:03 a.m.
To: 'David Eaton'; 'Quattro List'
Cc: 'urq at audifans.com'; 'torsen at audifans.com'
Subject: RE: [torsen] RE: RS2 turbocharger
This is a great topic, so I hope we can keep the thread on
track, and not
veer off into a flame war.
I have 2 s6's and previously had an Urs4. My brother still
has a Urs4 with
k24/stage 1+ that I drive often. With my Avant, I've gone
through the
typical rs2 upgrade path(
software/injectors/MAF/EM/Turbo/Exhaust cam), and
now also have a 10.6lb aluminum flywheel. I track the car
often. FWIW,
here's my opinion/experience. Sorry, but I have no
engineering equations,
numerical data, Reynolds numbers, or pi-r-squared. I just
have daily
experience both commuting and on the track.
1) There is no doubt the rs2 has a boost onset that is later
than the k24.
The crossover point is around 3,000 rpm. Above that, the
rs2 has a huge
advantage over the k24. The k24 feels out of breath around
5,800 rpm, while
the rs2 keeps pulling harder all the way to the rev limiter.
2) I haven't tried to verify or punch holes in the numbers
you present, but
I think the whole exercise misses one very important point:
No one in their right mind would put EITHER car in 6th gear
at 20mph and run
a race that way. I'll take that a step further and state
that I don't think
there is anyone on this list who purchased their UrS to win
drag races. So
I think the question becomes, "Who cares which setup is
stronger at low
3) Scott's point on the compressor maps being almost
identical at low flow
is true, except that the k24 is turning a much higher rpm at
an given flow
point. What this neglects however is that hot side that
drives the
compressor, and with its bigger hot side and thicker
(STRONGER) stronger
shaft, the rs2 takes hot side has more mass thus more
inertia and takes
longer to spool. So it takes more energy and more time to
get the rs2 to
the same PR as the K24 at low flow rate. The rs2 exducer
outlet is larger
(think of this as a throttle for the exhaust), thus the
engine can breathe a
lot better in the upper rpm band with the rs2.
Daily driving impressions:
1) I often trade cars with my brother for a few days at a
time. The first
thing I realize is that I am deluding myself into thinking I
haven't lost
low rpm torque with the rs2 turbo. There is a lot more low
rpm with the
K24, and it is immensely enjoyable for the first few hours (
when you are
still mashing the throttle hard still driving with your RS2
However, after about a day of this amusement, I badly miss
the huge upper
end the rs2 setup provides, and can't wait to get my car
back. The
sacrifice at low rpms, considering how seldom I am caught
there when I want
the power, is miniscule compared to the increased power that
is available.
Track impressions:
1) My car is pretty quick at the track. (In fact the car
makes me look like
I'm a better driver than I am...I really like that.) K24
equipped cars
can't stay close to me on a straight, and have no advantage
coming out of a
turn because I simply keep the rpms from falling below 3000.
It's not like
it's work to do this, it is the natural thing to do.
2) I recently installed a 10.6 lb aluminum flywheel
replacing the 26 lb
dual-mass stock unit. The engine revs a lot quicker. I've
run two track
events since the change, and at both events I thought I had
an intermittent
miss and when I hooked up vagcom after the run, found I had
bounced off the
rev limiter (told you I wasn't such a great driver!). I
never did this
before the flywheel install and attribute it to the faster
revving that I am
really enjoying. I got my flywheel from Northern European
Performance in
NH, but I have to agree with Scott that this is a great
modification if you
are going to drive the car hard.
Finally, I've found that the right software is a HUGE
variable in the way
the car makes power and the way the turbo spools. MTM 1+
does a real good
job of getting the k24 spinning early, but the typical rs2
offerings from
Hoppen/IA/Tap etc do not do the same for the rs2. I do not
see the rs2 as
having much lag
at all, but it certainly has a boost threshold that is
several hundred rpm
later than the stock k24.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Eaton [mailto:deaton at tranzrail.co.nz]
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 7:09 PM
To: 'Quattro List'
Cc: 'urq at audifans.com'; 'torsen at audifans.com'
Subject: [torsen] RE: RS2 turbocharger
you mention "maths" but you haven't posted any. this isn't
rocket science,
and it isn't hard, so i cannot understand your difficulty in
coming to terms
with this.
lets look at the maths from the stopwatch numbers. take the
k24 aby s2 vs
the rs2 in top (6th) gear, and the in-gear increments. time
in seconds, rs2
1st, then s2. using the gear ratios (specifically
speed/1000 rpm figures) i
have derived the engine speed at the mph range for each car
- which is in
brackets after the time in seconds.
Mph rs2 s2 rpm range outcome
20-40 14.8 11.1 (813 to 1626) rs2 33% slower
30-50 12.5 8.9 (1220 to 2033) rs2 40% slower
40-60 10.2 7.0 (1626 to 2439) rs2 46% slower
50-70 7.7 6.1 (2033 to 2846) rs2 26% slower
60-80 6.0 6.4 (2439 to 3252) rs2 6% faster
70-90 6.1 6.8 (2846 to 3659) rs2 10% faster
it is quite clear from this table that the rs2 is not
providing useful boost
(and acceleration) to the car until the turbo is spinning
over 2,500 rpm.
you can also see that the k24 is spooling up more rapidly
numbers). the rs2 turbo is only providing better
acceleration to the avant
when operating over 3,000 rpms. a close look at the numbers
the 50-70 vs the 60-80) also indicates the steep ramp-up in
the rs2 turbo
performance. this again is what your butt tells you when
you are driving
the car. it is the classic definition of "turbo lag".
once again, these are cars with the same flywheels (that
nasty old dual mass
flywheel) & transmissions, and very similar weight. i don't
see how you can
come to any other conclusion other than that the k24 turbo
is responsible
for the much better performance of the s2 at low engine
speeds, over the
rs2. which was my 1 and only original point.
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