'87 5KCSQ Avant FS (not mine)

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Wed Jun 12 22:33:54 EDT 2002

Driving up the road from work I spied a charcoal metallic type 44 avant
with 4sale signs
on the (lowered, hmmm, they must work!) rear windows.

Stopped for a quick check out, in case it was a worthwhile beater.

Quick incidentals,

'87 Quattro Turbo Avant, 141K miles

Owner claims oil changes every 2K miles, engine compartment  reasonably
clean. New steering rack, bomb holds
about 20 pumps, pentosin reservoir hose leaks. Possible leak in the
intercooler end caps. Idles fine. Owner claims
to have replaced A/C compressor (didn't visually nor functionally check)

Body good, two quarter sized paint chips in the leading edge of the hood,
two half dollar sized dents on op of the hood
(looks like something fell on it) rust in all of the paint chips, but of
the surface variety. Tired paint.

Fabric interior, good condition, tired seat springs.

Overall, on a quick 5 min check it  seemed to be a decent running

Owner asking ~$2K

845-268-7734 ask for Big Joe. Says selling it b/c of knee surgery and doc
stting time to lose the clutch car.

no affiliation, just thought it's worth checking out for a lister looking
for an avant as a daily driver.


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