Got a 87 Coupe GT

Shaun Folkerts fiatlancia at
Thu Jun 13 02:21:56 EDT 2002

Colin - The '86 CGT I just sold to a friend (and new lister - Hi Chris!) had the
same exact problem when I first bought it. Lived with it for a while, then
invested the 25 bucks in a new temperature sender from TPC. Problem solved.
Except for the remorseful "kicking myself" for not doing it sooner.
Call Rod. If it's something else, you're only out less than $30, and you'll have
a good sending unit anyway - they all seem to have very limited lifespans.
My $0.02. Hope this does it for you. Great car you bought. You should really
like it once you're finished bringing it back to life!
Shaun Folkerts
'86 4kqcs
'89 2cqa
and maybe one or two other cars...  ;^)

Colin Fiedler wrote:

> the gauge is digital, not sure if that matters
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jim Bonnet" <jimbo at>
> To: "Colin Fiedler" <pinkertonpunk at>
> Cc: <quattro at>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 4:38 PM
> Subject: Re: Got a 87 Coupe GT
> > Colin Fiedler wrote:
> > > My friend gave me his 87 Coupe GT because he didn't need it, all in all
> it
> > > is in great shape and runs well, but I need to figure out a problem it
> is
> > > having.  After running for a few minutes the temp gauge spikes and stays
> > > hot.  The oil temp is normal, there is no coolant boiling or anything,
> so it
> > > is not actaully overheating.  What can I check to see what is wrong?

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