Saab APC fitted to Audi?

Jim Green jeg1976 at
Thu Jun 13 12:42:06 EDT 2002

--- Ken <auditude at> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I know little about the Saab APC computer, but it
> seems to be a knock sensing boost controller that
> has been fitted to various non-Saab turbo cars.
> There are modified boxes as well that do different
> things, apparently.  I think the stock boxes have a
> boost map with a taper(?).
> It can be run with the pressure transducer up to
> like 15psi(?), above which it can be setup to rely
> only on the knock sensor.  Possibly a bleeder valve
> can be used while retaining the pressure transducer.
> Anyhow, I was wondering what experience is here with
> one of these?
> I was thinking that since the SchrapnelKnobben mod
> eliminates ecu-controlled boost, that adding one of
> these boxes between the regulator and the upper WG
> chamber (or however it would be fitted), would be
> able to have some degree of protection against
> knocking (more than no boost-related control?).
> Perhaps this is redundant, since the ecu is still in
> control of ignition timing and has a knock sensor?
> Here are some posts I found in the archives and on
> the 'net on the matter:
> 83 Turbo Quattro Coupe (comma more power):
> Jim's ignition problem:
> New plug wires = knocking?!:
> Re: Callaway Turbo Kit:
> Re: 1985 4000s knock sensor question:
> Saab APC System On B21FT (Volvo):
> APC Theory by Kevin Kelleher:
> Thanks,


I've got one hooked up for knock detection, it's
really sensitive.  Exhaust leaks, lifters, rubbing
tailpipes all set it off.  I have new lifters on the
way, hopefully these will keep the light from going
crazy on me when above 5k rpm on and off throttle.  I
haven't messed around with the boost settings yet so
no experience there.

Jim Green
'89 90tq EFI

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