Wheezing = blown head gasket?

nicksimc at plu.edu nicksimc at plu.edu
Thu Jun 13 13:42:26 EDT 2002

Yesterday my 82 4ks started making a wheezing/whining/ whistling noise
from the under the hood, and the idle has gone from unstable to nearly
non-existent.  Am I correct in thinking that the head gasket is blown?

If so, will I _need_ to replace anything else along with the valve
cover seals and head gasket, like the water pump timing belt etc?
Unfortunately I don't have a lot of money to dump into this car at the
moment, so this isn't a 'while I'm in there' question and I will be doing
the work myself or not at all.  The car in question was t-boned on the
passenger side a month or so ago, and the b-pillar is seriously bent
(front door won't open), so I may just let the Audi Gods take this one...



82 4ks

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