Saab APC fitted to Audi?

Jim Green jeg1976 at
Thu Jun 13 13:45:46 EDT 2002

--- Ken <auditude at> wrote:
> Quoting Jim Green <jeg1976 at>:
> >
> > --- Ken <auditude at> wrote:
> <snip>
> > >
> > > Anyhow, I was wondering what experience is here
> with
> > > one of these (Saab APC computers)?
> >
> > I've got one hooked up for knock detection, it's
> > really sensitive.  Exhaust leaks, lifters, rubbing
> > tailpipes all set it off.  I have new lifters on
> the
> > way, hopefully these will keep the light from
> going
> > crazy on me when above 5k rpm on and off throttle.
>  I
> > haven't messed around with the boost settings yet
> so
> > no experience there.
> Hi Jim,
> I assume you've confirmed that the knock sensor
> itself is properly torqued?
> I'd also like to find out how to setup a light that
> tells me when the MAC-11 is detecting knock.  I
> can't find it in the archives if it is there.
> Thanks,
> Ken

Yea, I've experimented with different torques and
locations.  I've read a few placed that they are
really sensitive.  Hmm, I may try the Audi knock
sensor, don't what the code is like that alows it to
listen, but hey , it can't hurt.  I've also noticed
that the RPM threshold that makes it go crazy is going
up as I rev the engine more.  My new motor probably is
still working itself in.  It's at about 2500 miles
right now.  It does help in detecting the slightest
knock in the below 4500 rpm range, I've got my
ignition close to where I want it, you will see it go
off a few times, then the ecu compensates and it will
not knock in that range again until you restart the
car.  Note that these are not audible knocks, but just
the little guys that the system was designed to detect
before it pings really bad.  Kind of like going from
high to low octane gas.  I'm not sure you can hook up
a light to the MAC-11, I've never heard of anyone
doing this.

Jim Green
'89 90tq EFI

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