KLEZ virus

Michael Riebs / Audi V8 AudiV8 at 1stchoicegranite.com
Thu Jun 13 17:09:03 EDT 2002

Well, list, I have now run the KLEZ removal tool as a precaution, according
to the info found on Symantec's site (link in attached E-mail), and found my
machine to be un-infected, so any posts you may receive with MY address as
the "sending party" are bogus.

Let's everyone try to get cleaned, shall we!?


Michael L. Riebs
Grand Rapids, Michigan

'90 V8Q
'98 A6QA


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark L. Chang" <mchang at ee.washington.edu>
To: "quattro list" <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 12:26 PM
Subject: KLEZ virus

> Okay, listen up. This is just getting out of hand. From the headers and
> subject matter of the emails that I've been getting, it seems we have a
> few listers infected with the KLEZ virus.
> The distribution of this list is really wide, so the potential for it
> infecting lots of people is great. Okay, here is a link to the Symantec
> removal tool for all variants of KLEZ:
> I just got an email today with the subject "W32.Klez.E removal tools"
> infected with the virus.
> That's funny.
> Let's clean this up people.
> --
> www.mchang.org | www.acmelab.org | decss.zoy.org

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