5ktq and Boost loss (after MC rebuild/upgrade & T3/K26 turbo) - it was bypass valve!

Marc Swanson mswanson at mswanson.com
Thu Jun 13 17:46:28 EDT 2002

On Thursday 13 June 2002 03:45 pm, Ben Swann wrote:
> Allright!  Ken wins the lucky cigar!  It was the bypass valve.

cool, glad you've weeded out the culprit.
Now I'm happy that I picked up that Forge valve off eBay.  Sounds like a lot
of people are having problems with the Bosch valve...

> So what are the recommendations on bypass valves?  Who has the good price
> on them?

I'll be running the Forge valve and I know Javad is running one (or at least
was since last I knew).

I think I paid around $70 used for mine.

FWIW me and Nate are running ours in blowoff mode (w/ full 034 fuel system).
When un-filtered those things are LOUD.  While driving around in Nate's car
it sounded an awful lot like a Hoover on decel ;-)

87 4ktq
88 90q

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