Wheezing = blown head gasket?

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Jun 14 00:20:38 EDT 2002

At 09:07 PM 06/13/2002 -0400, Huw Powell wrote:

> > Yesterday my 82 4ks started making a wheezing/whining/ whistling noise
> > from the under the hood, and the idle has gone from unstable to nearly
> > non-existent.  Am I correct in thinking that the head gasket is blown?
>Uh, I'd look for massively leaking disintegrated or loose hose on the
>intake tract, first.

I'd FEEL all the hoses because a perfect-looking hose viewed from the top
can have gaping holes in the bottom where rotted from oil accumulations.

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