Subject: Re: No Belts: How Long Drive Time? Answer

Christopher Ritchie critchie1 at
Fri Jun 14 20:01:58 EDT 2002

I have a couple comments that probably are going to piss you
off.. But..
Personally, I dont see anything wrong with the was the dealer
this.. They have pre-scehduled appointments.. They need to stick
those as best they can.. Nobody says a car dealer needs to see
you first
because you have a couple of busted belts! If they can squeeze
you in
and look at it fine, otherwise, schedule and appointment of do
the work
yourself. <snipped>

Nah, it's not so much pissed off as disappointed.

If the dealership's Service Dept. is so over-scheduled that they can't
squeeze in a fan belt repair, then they aren't being run very right.  Of
course the scheduled customers come first.  But there's some room in there
for contingencies.

They knew I was stuck.  They knew the repair was trivial.  They had all day
to figure something out.  With their attitude and my situation, what was the
most prudent course of action?  Dangerously driving the car home right past
the dealer.  There's something wrong with that.  I'm holding them to task to
fix it.  And I'm not going to spend $40K on a new one until they do.

The dealership is supposed to encourage the sale of their cars.  Most of us
consider the dealer an impediment in the process.  Let's vote.  What would
you rather do?  Have a root canal?  Or, set foot in an Audi dealership?

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