20vt conversion exhaust opinions, K26 turbo

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Sat Jun 15 22:01:34 EDT 2002

At 11:13 15/06/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>I have a Stromung 3" SS turbo-back exhaust on my car and I really
>can't say that it has made any improvement except in the engine
>revving a bit more freely at the very top end of the rev range.
>I think you'll need some turbo mods and a better manifold than stock
>to really see some gains.
>It's possible that I'm getting better turbo-spool up, but it is so
>negligible that I can't feel it.
>The big downside is that the exhaust is _loud_!

Thanks for your input Taka!

Actualy I've found out that the Scorpion exhaust is 70mm, which is 2.75" so
I guess it won't be that radical compared to a 3" exhaust...
The loudness couldn't be a problem, I loved triggering car alarms with my
car's exhaust when it used to be rotten :-)))

What do you think of putting a K26 with that 3B engine? I recall some
people mentioned pressure at about 3800 RPM which is a lot...

Anyone wants to ring a bell in this thread? I like the stock K24 but I have
the feeling that something bigger won't be bad and I've gotten a cheap K26
on Ebay last week which could be used..
The car isn't fast anyway before 3500 RPM in stock form (136 HP) so a K26
that would be brutal after that RPM could be nice even with a lot of lag...
Should I use a 7A exhaust cam with that turbo? The exhaust will be as free
as possible so I guess I'll have a 70mm downpipe fabricated if it's needed...

Thanks for your answers,


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