need 200q fusible link

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sun Jun 16 16:13:56 EDT 2002

Probably any dealer source would be best.  The box is part # 281 937 505A,
the fuse is # N017 1253 34.  It's an 80-amp fuse.  You CAN get an inline
fuse of that capacity and wire that between the wiring you've got in place now.

At 02:09 PM 06/16/2002 -0400, scott thomas wrote:

>I just noticed that my 200q's fusible link for
>the engine fan is missing and the fan's lead is
>wired directly to the live terminal. Anyone know
>where to get this item, where they won't rip me
>off? What are the specs? Radio Shack?
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