Replace instrument cluster on type 89?

EBavely veetesse at
Mon Jun 17 10:56:30 EDT 2002

Hello all...

Now that the 80 is up and driving, I noticed that the odometer had stopped
before I owned the car (at 204k no less).  Do these suffer the same odo gear
problems as the earlier models / VW's?

In any regard, I've lined up another working instrument cluster in a
junkyard and was just wondering if anyone could tell me how much work it is
to switch out the speedo/instrument cluster in these cars?  Any BTDT's?
Just by looking, I'd automatically say that it's not as easy as doing the
same in the 4k/q cars...

Thanks in advance...

Elliott Bavely

86 4000CS Quattro
88 80 Fwd
83 GTI FSP Racey car
83 GTI 16V
90 VW Cabriolet

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