Zero Le Mans coverage!

Brady Moffatt bradym at
Mon Jun 17 15:03:00 EDT 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rave Racer" <Ravewar at>
>     I think you're right on most points.  There is however one thing I
> disagree on.  The LeMans series and the ALMS aren't actually second after
> Nascar.

You use the word _series_. I didn't. I fully agree that the F1 series tops
the list, from a global point of view. After that, who knows....

Under _NO_ circumstances did I say that NASCAR was more important! Please
don't put those words in my mouth.;)

What I said was "After all, (Le Mans) is only the most (OK, maybe 2nd most)
important _individual_ automobile race in the world." Not series.  I
maintain that the most important race is still the Indy 500, although it has
lost a lot of ground since CART left/was kicked out. Still talking about
_individual_ races, not series. I'm also not talking about which one is my
favourite. Indy wouldn't make my top 10.

Whew, I guess I gotta watch out or I'll be branded the biggest NASCAR fan of
the Great White North! (:P)

To each his own.


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