Anyone have a 4kq condenser cheap?

Roa, Greg Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM
Wed Jun 19 15:47:08 EDT 2002

Hey all,
I'm trying to finish up the 134a conversion on my 86' 4kq.
I've run into a slight snag though.  My condenser has a big hole in it.
I've rebuilt the compressor, replaced the o-rings, receiver/dryer, expansion valve, and
put new fittings on.  Then, while vacuuming the system, I found this leak.
Apparently, the condenser that had been on the car didn't fit quite right, and rubbed the engine block, creating a hole.
None of the A/C shops, radiator shops, or weld shops I went to will touch the thing.
Anyhow, if you have one laying around from an old system, that is in decent shape, let me know.  It would be most appreciated.

Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
86' 4kcsq
93' 90 CS
83' 944

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