what wax do you use?

scott thomas scott at dreamtheater.zzn.com
Thu Jun 20 16:02:04 EDT 2002

I was looking into car waxes on the web and saw
lots of different opinions. One guy did a test
with an NSX and five different waxes that put
zymol and another z wax on top. Anyway, I use
Gliptone and an orbital waxer with excellent
results. SOmetimes, I use the wax shop's safe
cut on some of my cars to clean up.

Just wanted to know what everyone uses.

I use:
Turtle wax self dry? Car wash with the blue soap
and the white-blue wax that floats on top. Great
stuff and improves oxidized areas on its own
before you wax. Sometimes, I pour it directly
onto the sponge and wipe like that. Works well.

Drive the car on the highway to dry.

Gliptone show coat/ wet coat for wax. I heard
the paste wax is phenominal. Now that I have a
power waxer, I might use it. Maybe try the
teflon stuff?

Turtle wax finishing clothes after removal with
power waxer to finish the surface. Real cheap.
16 oz bag ~$2

Finish 2001 for the plastic. Lasts longer than
Armor and Son... Doesn't easily wash off in
condensation and light splashes.

Wheels get a nylon wheel brush and Dawn. I've
got BBS's :) Cleaning :(

Tried that clear vue stuff for the glass. Went
back to isopropyl alcohol. Clear Vue doesn't

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