Fan runs constantly (1989 200 qa)

Steve Kramer skramer at
Fri Jun 21 02:07:26 EDT 2002

IMHO I believe that the 200 turbo radiator fan is the biggest piece of crap
ever made.   I had a 200 for 3 years and had to charge my battert every
other day to keep the thing going.  Realistically it may just be a clogged
radiator.  However, the problem with these cars is that the whole thing is
running off of the battery.  German technology at its best.

I wish you lots of luck.
maybe go to that sjm technik audi page.  don't remeber the address.

Steve Kramer
1990 V8q

> From: Shaun Folkerts <fiatlancia at>
> Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 13:50:46 -0400
> To: q <quattro at>
> Subject: Fan runs constantly (1989 200 qa)
> This figures. The day before I was to drive back east with this car!
> Went out to run some last minute errands yesterday, 107 degrees out, fan
> came on, no problems. Sat with it in the parking lot, opened the hood,
> left car running to cool the turbo and wait for fan to turn off. Half
> hour later, I was melting, battery was near dead, and the fan was still
> running. Gave up and drove back to the hotel. Fan on the whole time.
> Went inside to cool off, came out twenty minutes later, fan still
> running. Eventually pulled the battery cable and gave up for the day.
> This morning, nice and cool outside (relatively speaking, this is
> Nevada). Returned to the car and reattached the battery cable. Damned
> fan still runs constantly!!!
> What can I do to regain control over this F'in' fan, because right now
> it and this car have me by the short hairs.
> Already pulled relays, fuses, etc. that I thought may be related - there
> appears to be no way to kill it without disconnecting the battery. To
> make it worse, I need the fan to work due to the high temperatures out
> here and on the way back to PA, so I can't just go cut the wires - and,
> man, am I tempted!
> Just went outside and tried to run the car a bit, to see if it would
> shut off the fan. Yeah, right.
> Basically, the bottom line is that if the battery is connected, the fan
> runs. Period. What can I do to fix this car (again...sigh...)???
> Thanks.
> Shaun Folkerts
> 1989 200qa
> 1986 4kcsq

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