Talking of overfills - Auto tranny

rob hod rob3 at
Fri Jun 21 22:18:55 EDT 2002

    "Aw, blug bleurg blastes bloody borrible". ...   No really I'm glad to
say I can't comment (although it smells pretty funky), whilst I said *clear*
polytube rules, I should say opaque polytube probably sucks (too much).

    If I knew anywhere local to source a big syringe cheaply I would perhaps
have got one, but (and I prolly shouldn't say this ) 5mm tube gives a very
controllable sucking experience and not a drop passed my lips.

    I've got some disturbing thought association going now , so I'm off!

    Cheers and a happy weekend all.

----- Original Message ----- > Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 13:18:23 -0400
> To: <quattro at>
> From: Kent McLean <kentmclean at>
> Subject: Re: Talking of overfills - Auto tranny
> rob hod wrote:
> >  It fitted snugly in the filler tube and I just sucked the tube full and
> >emptied it out a few times.
> Eew. How did it taste?
> Kent, who is sure (I hope) rob stopped short of his mouth
> '89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy"

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