Cooling conundrum

JShadzi at JShadzi at
Sat Jun 22 02:52:19 EDT 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Agreed, cooling should happed via airflow through the radiator, not flow
through the engine.  I recommend leaving at least the low temp thermostat in
place so it can close and let coolant heat up, that way your heater will
work.  Also, you should always have coolant flowing through a warm engine,
and use a fan thermostat to bring on the fan if coolant temps start getting


In a message dated 6/21/2002 10:39:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
human747 at writes:

> uh oh... I have no idea what I'm talking about, but that sounds like a
> *terrible* idea.  You need that coolant to keep circulating or you'll
> get hot spots in the head, etc.  I think the "real" engine folks will
> back me up on that.
> > I have a few concerns.
> >  The fan is going far too readily and is over cooling the water in the
> > radiator which makes said pump go too slowly and therefore the heater is
> now
> > terrible. Where is the sensor for the fan. I believe I need to change it
> to
> > kick in at a temperature above the max I set for the pump controller.
> It all sounds scary to me.  You should run your pump at a steady speed
> (with maybe an "overdrive" speed if you can control it effectively), and
> let coolant in to the radiator with a thermostat - this controls the
> engine's operating temperature.

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