Enough AC PAG Oil

James at ringsperformance.com James at ringsperformance.com
Sat Jun 22 21:43:35 EDT 2002

Within reasonable limits, you can't have "too much" oil in the system. If
you are concerned, get a little can (~2 oz) of oil with a tiny charge of
R134 (propellant, 1 oz?) from your FLAPS and put that in. The refrigerant
will push the oil in, so you get a little bit of both for $5.

cu, James Marriott
'84 4kq beater, 217k, for sale (BUY IT!)
'87 4kq (alias "late-B2 90q") with rare ersatz NG engine, 184k
'89 200q (MC1, ProconTen/no bag, 1.8 blah blah), 142k
Boise, ID, USA     http://www.webpak.net/~marriott/

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Gharibo" <cgharibo at usa.net>
To: "*Quattro List" <quattro at audifans.com>; "20V List"
<audi20v at rennlist.org>
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 6:12 PM
Subject: Enough AC PAG Oil

> I have a '91 CQ AC oil related question. The system works extremely well.
> Pressures are 30 and 150. But, I am unsure if my AC system has enough PAG
> because of the following:
> Hooked up the AC and evacuated 1050gms of 134a. Then immediately refilled
> with 750gms of 134a.
> Would the system now be low in oil?
> Do you need any other information?
> Chris

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