4kq EFI

Marc Swanson mswanson at mswanson.com
Sun Jun 23 13:43:07 EDT 2002

going back on-list with this since for some reason I cannot send mail to AOL

> I just wanted to say that you appear to have done some fantasic work on
> your EFI conversion.

thanks :-)

> It looks like a really neat, clean and professional installation. Every
> time my '85 urq refuses to start, I dream about chucking all the ignition
> and CIS crap into the dustbin and going the EFI route!

it certainly reduces on the clutter, that's for sure!  CIS can be a very
reliable system but "tuneability" and "CIS" are two words that don't belong
in the same sentence.

> What you have done is really inspiring me :)
> Oh, by the way...... would you tell me where you purchased the Sport Q
> style hood? Did you have to order it from overseas?

yes, I bought it as part of a group purchase from SGI in Germany.  I tried to
find their website again but couldn't come up with it.  In the end the hoods
were shipped through DTM Autohaus (http://www.dtmautohaus.com) so maybe they
would be willing to contact SGI for others?


87 4ktq
88 90q

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