R134a retrofit observations

qshipaz at juno.com qshipaz at juno.com
Tue Jun 25 18:12:47 EDT 2002

In hearing people's horror stories about 134a, I felt compelled to jump in-=
 I'm in the AZ desert and feel almost like an authority on the subject of A=
/C acceptability. Haven't done a 44 yet- but:

On my Datsun 240Z, I did a quick and cheap retrofit. York compressor much l=
ike a type 85, system designed and built in the early '70s in CA.
Two years so far, no leaks, didn't replace anything but the compressor O-ri=
ngs. I did uprate the blower fan through use of a Honda unit from the boney=
ard. With new weatherstripping installed, it is adequate in Phoenix heat- a=
nd this Z-car is black with a black vinyl top and plastic seats! So I don't=
 think that chemically the 134a is deficient...

Also, my roommate runs a CGT which is a real LoCash racing special. $350 in=
vested so far, and she runs/drives OK. It also received the cheap and quick=
 retrofit (wouldn't do it to *my* TQ, but it's not my money...) and for the=
 last couple weeks, it's OK. Not amazing, but neither was my CGT back in th=
e day on a fresh charge of R12- Phoenix in summertime is a crucible!

YMMV, hope this helps!
'86 5ktq, '72 240Z
'86 CGT on the driveway
past '87 5kt, '85 CGT

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