stereo woes
j fizz
iin10ded at
Wed Jun 26 19:00:10 EDT 2002
i had good luck with the clarion pro audio units a few years ago, then
switched to kenwood. the displays have gone all tokyo at midnight.. but they
are pretty good performing radios. the 4 volt output and sub preout with
level control is the JAM.
we sold clarion, and had a lot of problems with the cd changers coming back
with skip issues.. usually bc they were too close to the subs. glad to hear
yours is holding tight!
>From: Nate Beck <Nate.Beck at>
>To: iin10ded at
>CC: quattro at
>Subject: RE: Re: re: stereo woes
>Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 07:01:22 -0700
>I would have to agree with Scott on this one. I own 3 Clarions (1 in each
>car) and I absolutely love them. 2 of the cars have CD Changers, 1 of
>is right next to a 12" sub. Never had skipping problems at all.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: scott thomas [mailto:scott at]
>Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 9:51 AM
>To: iin10ded at
>Cc: quattro at
>Subject: Re: Re: re: stereo woes
>I agree on the Kenwood Excelon. The reason why I
>didn't recommend the line is because, as of
>late, they've gone the Sony route, as far as the
>display and buttons go. The Excelon line is very
>I forgot about Clarion. They're good. They're
>one of the few companies that puts the money
>that would normally be spent on dumb features
>and goofy displays into the performance of the
>---- Begin Original Message ----
>From: "j fizz" <iin10ded at>
>Sent: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 00:38:17 +0000
>To: scott at
>CC: quattro at
>Subject: Re: re: stereo woes
>sounds good..
>ive used kenwood exelon [better warranty] for
>the past few years and been
>very happy. the goofy flipface [4 years old] has
>NEVER hiccupped once.
>which i could say the same for the rest of the
> >From: "scott thomas"
><scott at>
> >To: iin10ded at
> >CC: quattro at
> >Subject: Re: re: stereo woes
> >Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 20:14:21 -0700
> >
> >As far as decks go, Eclipse is very nice, but
> >will cost you and be somewhat short on features,
> >but the line outputs are high voltage in most
> >models. They make equipment that sounds good.
> >Alpine is what I use, with excellent results. I
> >have Rockfords, pulled from my 5ktq (5 1/4")
> >stuffed into the 4" front Bose modules and
> >Pioneer Premier 6x9's in the rear. Using the
> >head unit's amp.
> >
> >Stay away from Sony. Goofy and unreliable.
> >Pioneer is ok, Premier better. Blaupunkt is ok
> >and simple.
> >
> >Good luck!
> >---- Begin Original Message ----
> >
> >From: "j fizz" <iin10ded at>
> >Sent: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 22:52:25 +0000
> >To: bkaupp at
> >CC: quattro at
> >Subject: re: stereo woes
> >
> >
> >ben,
> >hey there.. bored at work and saw the post,
> >so....
> >
> ><<So the questions: 1. Is it possible to put
> >5.25" mids anywhere in the
> >front?>>
> >
> >yes, do some sort of a door or kickpanel
> >buildout to mount a set of 5"
> >separates to. i like the doors bc they tend to
> >take less of a beating.
> >closer to the footwell =3D better [you want to try
> >to equalise the pathlegnth
> > =A0from the l+r speakers to your head - ideally]
> >this can be as simple a a
> >thick- at ss piece of wood covered to look nice, to
> >give you the mounting depth
> >needed for the magnet to clear the door's guts.
> >if the door is relatively
> >flat and fetaure-free, this works like a champ.
> >in contoured doors [my
> >memory of the 4000 door is fuzzy], things get a
> >bit trickier. the same rule
> >still applies, but you may have to get more
> >creative in the use of
> >marterials. its best to try to seal the airspace
> >of the driver, but its not
> >always possible, and usually very difficult, and
> >most of us have other
> >hobbies.
> >
> >if you cant work out the door speaker, get a
> >nice 4" separate set for the
> >dash and keep reading...
> >
> ><<2. What about 6x9" in the rear shelf? 3. How
> >do you get those front
> >speaker grills off? 4. >>
> >
> >i dont know how to get the grills off.. pull em.
> >
> >6X9's suck, plain and simple. this is of course
> >my opiniion. its just a big
> >goofy thing stuffed in the rear deck of every
> >lowered '78 cutlass on earth
> >[even sweeter if you stuff 2 pair back
> >there! ;]. better to use a high
> >quality coax [boston acoustics, ads, etc..] and
> >spare the stock look [im
> >assuming its a 5 inch round or so..]
> >the biggest improvement will come from
> >aftermarklet amps with electronic
> >crosssovers and a dedicated sub in the trunk.
> >running the front and rear
> >speakers through an electronic =A0highpass filter
> >makes a HUGE difference in
> >the sound quality, lifespan and mamimum output
> >of the in-car drivers [when
> >they dont try to play bass, which theyre not
> >very good at, theyre a lot
> >happier]. it doesnt have to be much.. 30 or 40
> >decent watts per channel will
> >ROCK over any headunit on earth [anyone who
> >tells you different needs a
> >drain-o flavored qtip]. throw a couple hundred
> >watts to a single 12 in a
> >small sealed box and youll be in car stereo
> >heaven. if you want to play it
> >really loud, dont. cuz you dont wanna be "that
> >guy".
> >
> >if you have 6x9 openings, then cut a baffle in
> >the 6x9 shape and mount good
> >separates to it and screw the whole thing into
> >place. all the car audio
> >nerds will think you're "high end".
> >
> ><<Has anybody had any experience with Nakamichi
> >decks, or have any other
> >recommendations for a deck that doesn't just
> >scream Honda (read AMBER
> >
> >not so hot on features, and usually low output
> >voltage, but some of the best
> >sounding decks ive heard. =A0the 6 disc single din
> >in dash changer ROCKS. you
> >would have to have a pretty nice rig to justify
> >the sonic differences of a
> >nak.
> >
> >have fun..
> >jim
> >
> >
> >
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