'89 90q engine management q's

alan pritchard alanthecelt at alanthecelt.screaming.net
Wed Jun 26 22:47:17 EDT 2002

i recently checked my co on the 90 because i suspected it to be too rich, so
i opened the carbon canister, disconnected the breather hose and fitted the
fp relay fuse.  The co meter came out at 11% (pre cat) yikes, so i adjusted
the co back to .6% and it ran poor, it then occurred to me to disconnect the
lambda sensor and try again, with better results.  I then had a go at the
timing, as i said before the only mark i can find appears to be a "c" or a
"0" with a ".", i couldnt work out if thats the mark to strobe to or if its
a tdc mark, so i put the strobe on tacho and adjusted the timing till it sat
at about 790 rpm, and sure enough when i went back to strobe the mark was in
the window on the tranny.  But to drive the car doesnt feel very different,
it just pulls cleaner at lower speeds in high gears.
Today i connected an led/switch arrangemnt to read fault codes, i went out
for a drive, got up to temperature, used full throttle and revved out, no
fault codes stored.  So i decided to try the output tests, switch on, start
car, wait four secs, turn switch off, 4-4-4-4 pressed the wot switch, no
change, so switch on for four secs, switch off, this time 2.5 secs on, 2.5
secs off, press wot, no change, switch on fopur secs, switch off, back to
4-4-4-4.  Now scott mockerys site says that i should be able to cycle the
output tests by doing this  (i believe the bently will tell me too, but my
cd drive is dead) but this just isnt happening, i guess i should check the
wot switch tomorrow.
Anyway any comments or btdt on the above would be very gratefully received.

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