headliner question..

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Wed Jun 26 21:15:55 EDT 2002

At 05:03 PM 06/26/2002 -0700, Tony Lum wrote:

>At 04:40 PM 6/26/02 , you wrote:
>>he told me the only temorary fix are thumb tacks.    Anyone know of some
>>decorative Audi emblem thumb tacks :-)
>>Steve Kramer
>>1990 V8q
>Hi Steve,
>Actually I found some at the local Pep Boys.  Headliner tacks.  They're
>different in that they resemble miniature cork screws with clear, knurled

Maybe you could use something like these cork-screw fasteners to anchor
thin plastic strips just springy enough to work like the stays you put
under a canvas cover for a boat???

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