Accident pics/contesting ticket

nicksimc at nicksimc at
Thu Jun 27 20:24:21 EDT 2002

> >
> >
> > I never actually saw the sign because I was too busy braking to avoid the
> > obvious hazard.  Unfortunately, I was unable to come to a complete stop
> > before I reached the ice, and I began sliding across this:
> I think you are guilty as charged.  If you went past a "road closed"
> sign (road2.jpg) that's the end of the story.  The fact that you were
> going too fast to see it is no excuse.  If you told the officer that
> you "never actually saw the sign because I was too busy braking to
> avoid the obvious hazard", you are lucky he didn't also cite you for
> either "too fast for conditions" or "reckless operation".

Usually road closed signs and cautionary signs are in orange or yellow.
Clear demarcation is what I feel is at issue here.  The road was clear
and dry up until this point.  It looks like the locals were driving over
the berm with their snowmobiles and 4x4s.  Had the berm been maintained or
made of dirt, as it usually is on the Forest Service roads in this area,
it would have been obvious the road was closed.  Apparently the snow berm
was considered adequate enough on the lower road since the 'road closed'
sign was 100ft behind that berm.  If the upper berm had been maintained,
it would have been noticeable from a greater distance.  The snowmobilers I
encountered while taking the pictures had half-racks of beer strapped to
them.  I guess they wouldn't be guilty of 'reckless operation' since the
road closed sign says 'except for snowmobiles' in 3/4in high letters
underneath it.

Sober and paying attention to the road surface... I guess I deserve the

> > I am looking for a nice way to say "this is BS" in court.  Anyone?
> I think you'd better pay the ticket and stay out of court if you can.

I already have a court date.  So that's out.

> I'm a volunteer police officer in Columbus Ohio.  I've seen judges around
> here that on hearing a story like yours would add the "reckless operation"
> charge themselves and sock you with a healthy fine.  Look up the penalty
> for wreckless ops in your city / state.  It may even specify jail time.
>     - Charlie


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