...stupid question

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Jun 29 09:32:26 EDT 2002

No theater background, but I think I recall reading once that Stage L & R
are in the audience's orientation.    Upstage is closer to the audience (as
in one "star" attempting to get more attention by moving closer to the
audience), so downstage is farther away from the audience.

At 01:06 AM 06/29/2002 -0400, Brett Dikeman wrote:

>At 12:07 AM -0400 6/29/02, Huw Powell wrote:
>>  > 855 407 365 A Left  and  366 A Right
>>>  Does 365 A Left belong on the driver's side, or on the pass. side?
>>depends on what country you are in!
>>Left and Right are supposed to be like Port and Starboard, or, I think,
>>as Brett would say, Stage Left & Right?
>Ah yes, but it is amazing how many people get Stage Left/Stage Right wrong :-)
>For bonus points, which direction is Stage Left, folks?
>For -extra- bonus points, which direction is upstage, -and- why...ie,
>what's the meaning/origin behind the word?(and hence the origin of
>the alternate use of "upstage")
>(brain equipped with uncanny post-talking-about-me detection :)
>"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
>safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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