Fwd: Re: ...stupid question (NAC)

Chris Dyer chrisdyer at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 29 19:39:09 EDT 2002

Yes, unfortunately, I am an actor...would you like to start with drinks and
perhaps an appetizer?

Correct on upstaging. Though on an actual stage (and not on-camera)
upstaging is purposely standing farther upstage, forcing other actors on
stage to pivot their backs toward the audience, supposedly focusing
attention on the upstager.

This can backfire as it also allows the upstaged to make funny faces at the


>From: Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net>
>To: Robert Myers <robert at s-cars.org>
>CC: quattro at audifans.com
>Subject: Re: ...stupid question (NAC)
>Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 14:12:58 -0400
>At 3:03 AM -0400 6/29/02, Robert Myers wrote:
>>At 01:06 AM 6/29/02, you wrote:
>>>Ah yes, but it is amazing how many people get Stage Left/Stage
>>>Right wrong :-)
>>>For bonus points, which direction is Stage Left, folks?
>>The audience's left or the actor's right when the actor is facing
>>the audience.
>Stage Left/Right are relative to an actor, facing the audience.
>HOUSE left/right is relative to an audience member facing the stage.
>"Exit stage left" would be off to the right for the audience.
>All of this becomes moot when you're doing theater in the
>round...round stage, audience -all- around you :-)  It is a nightmare
>for almost everyone involved, but when done well, very neat for the
>>>For -extra- bonus points, which direction is upstage,
>>Closer to the audience.
>>>-and- why...ie,
>>>what's the meaning/origin behind the word?(and hence the origin of
>>>the alternate use of "upstage")
>>Don't upstage me = don't get between me and the audience (so as to
>>obscure their view of me, the star).
>This is what everyone thinks :-)
>   Upstage = towards the back of the stage, away from the audience.
>The terms upstage/downstage as directions originated from when stages
>were sloped; the back of the stage was sloped up to allow the
>audience a better view of things.  Some of the first "theaters" were
>nothing more than hills.
>The act of "upstaging" actually means that someone in back has stolen
>the audience's attention from what's going on right in front of them;
>presumably, the action right smack in front of the audience is more
>important than what is going on way (up) in the back.  I suppose it
>could also be interpreted as meaning that someone has jumped in front
>of the main action, thus "moving" the main action upstage.
>Not to say that nothing should ever go on behind the main scene...my
>old high school director used to always stage side scenes, and I'd
>light them darker than the main downstage scene, but still quite
>visible to the audience.
>>Now, what did I win?  :-)
>The booby prize ;-)
>Anyway, for some actual Audi content, I always try to refer to
>driver's side/passenger side, rather than left/right; it is
>particularly safe when talking about a 200q20v, which was never
>offered RHD(hence its extreme rarity in the UK.)  I usually make note
>of the sender's domain before giving such, and qualify the
>directions("for us LHD folk").
>"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
>safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

from chrisdyer at hotmail.com

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