Accident pics/contesting ticket

Charlie Smith charlie at
Sun Jun 30 08:42:07 EDT 2002

Earlier, some folks thought I was being an alarmist mentioning that
he could have been cited for reckless driving for going off the road.
I'm enclosing a few words about an accident last week in Virginia.  The
rider was a middle age lady who works as a Postal Delivery person, she
was riding an older touring motorcycle, not some hot rod bike.

> Sue was returning to Toledo, OH from Richmond, VA on Monday, the 18th on
> her Honda Shadow 750, going west on US 33 in Greene County, VA.
> In the first steep uphill hairpin on that road, which is about 3/4 mile
> east of where Rt 33 crosses under the Blue Ridge Pkwy, she laid the bike
> over into that left-hander.  The "highway" peg on the left crash bar hit
> the road surface, unloading the tires, and she low-sided to the outside
> of the turn.  She says that she and the bike separated before the bike
> hit the rock cliff wall, but her foot and ankle were crushed under the
> bike while it slid.  She didn't say if she was wearing m/c boots, but
> I've seen her ride with leather high workshoes, US Postal Service issue
> for mail delivery persons like her.
   [  description of how she got to a hospital removed.  ]
> Meanwhile, a VA State trooper followed her trail, caught up to her, and
> issued a ticket for reckless driving.  What a bunch of crap!  I gave her
> Brad Haskin's number, since he is a prominent M/C attorney here in
> Virginia.

Be real glad you aren't in Virginia!

Earlier, David Manz  wrote:
> I strongly agree with Mark. "Your best chance will be to try and
> strike a deal with the prosecutor

That's a real good idea.  If you get a good lawyer, the lawyer will know
what works best in that court for plea barganing.  Here in Columbus, the
courts are very busy, so frequently they will do a plea bargain.  This
can go something like pleading guilty to a non-moving violation and
paying the fine and court costs.  That way, they get their money and
you don't get anything on your driving record or insurance.

    - Charlie

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